Kekuatan pendorong utama dari buku mesin ini membahas sifat listrik dan bagaimana untuk mengambil pembangkitannya dengan sifat mesin penggerak. Dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti, penulis mencoba untuk membahas tentang motor bakar; mulai dari nya pemahaman, mesin pembakaran internal dan eksternal mesin, empat-stroke mesin, pengapian busi, pengapian-press mesin, termodinamika motor bakar, karburator dan proses sebenarnya. Tidak kurang penting yang dijelaskan dalam buku ini adalah penulis dari sistem penyala dan segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan mesin Uap; mulai dari pemahaman dasar, diagram, klasifikasi, dan efisiensi mesin uap.
The main driving force of this Machine's book discusses the nature of electricity and how to take pembangkitannya to the nature of the engine prime mover. With a language that is easily understood, the author tries to discuss about motor fuel; ranging from his understanding, internal combustion engines and external engines, four-stroke engine, ignition spark plug, ignition-press machine, thermodynamics in motor fuel, carburetor and the actual process. It is no less important that are described in this book are the author of the penyala system and everything related to the steam engine; starting from the basic understanding, diagrams, classification, and the efficiency of steam engines.
This book is expected to be beneficial to every reader who is interested in learning or any person who engaged in the field of mechanical engineering.
This book is expected to be beneficial to every reader who is interested in learning or any person who engaged in the field of mechanical engineering.
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