
Showing posts with label Bahasa Inggris SMA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahasa Inggris SMA. Show all posts

Perlukah Les atau Kursus Bahasa Inggris ?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Jika pertanyaan dari judul di atas ditanyakan kepada anda, kira-kira apakah jawaban anda?
Les atau kursus mata pelajaran adalah suatu pelajaran tambahan yang diberikan kepada siswa di luar jam sekolah. Banyak hal positif yang dapat diterima siswa jika diberikan les tambahan, diantaranya :

1. Guru les dapat membimbing siswa didik untuk mengerjakan semua tugas yang diberikan guru di sekolah
2. Lembaga atau tempat bimbingan belajar dapat menuntun siswa agar dapat menghadapi ujian atau test di sekolah dengan baik
3. Dapat meringankan orang tua dalam hal mengajari pelajaran sekolah kepada anaknya di rumah
4. Bagi si anak, ia memiliki waktu yang fix untuk belajar, sehingga tidak ada hal-hal lain yang dapat dilakukannya selain belajar, belajar, dan belajar.

Khusus membahas pelajaran bahasa Inggris, les atau kursus bahasa inggris merupakan satu hal yang sangat penting, mengingat bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Internasional. Namun semua tetap harus sesuai kebutuhan. Apa artinya sesuai kebutuhan?
Artinya begini, kita harus menyesuaikan kemampuan anak kita maupun usia anak kita dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Misalnya anak yang baru berumur 5 tahun sudah kita paksakan untuk les ini dan les itu. Yah, memang kita selalu ingin yang terbaik bagi buah hati kita, tapi ada baiknya anda menyiasatinya juga dengan hal-hal pembelajaran kreatif lainnya. Ingat, anak-anak pada dasarnya sangat suka bermain. Oleh karena itu, buatlah ia senyaman mungkin untuk bermain dan selipkanlah unsur edukatif dalam permainan-permainannya.

Di samping itu, jika orang tua terkendala dalam masalah budget untuk memasukkan anak pada suatu kursus maka banyak alternatif di internet tentang kursus bahasa Inggris Online yang bagus. Silahkan dimanfaatkan buk, dan seringlah berinteraksi dengan anak anda karena pertumbuhannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh peran orang tua.

Kesimpulan dari artikel Perlukah Kursus Bahasa Inggris ini adalah :
Pada dasarnya kursus bahasa Inggris sangat penting, saran saya ajari lah anak anda bahasa Inggris sejak usia dini. Akan tetapi, berikanlah kursus yang sesuai kebutuhan anak dan kantong anda.

Semoga Berhasil Parents.

Harri Pranata

Baca juga :
Cara mudah belajar Grammar dalam bahasa Inggris

Cara Mudah Belajar Grammar Inggris

Monday, September 30, 2013

Grammar adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam bahasa Inggris. Grammar yang bagus dan baik akan memberikan nilai tambah kepada anda. Tanpa grammar yang benar, suatu komunikasi bisa menjadi ambigu maupun rancu. Lihat saja bagaimana fenomena selebriti yang menyebutkan : " Hello. I am Vicky. I am 29 my age". hehehe
Kita bakal menjadi bahan tertawaan jika kita tidak memahami bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Sebenarnya untuk mendapatkan grammar yang baik, kita harus sering latihan dan latihan. Baik latihan writing, speaking, listening, etc.

Well, untuk itu silahkan lihat artikel tentang 16 macam Tenses dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini :
16 macam Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Setelah mengetahui Tenses yang baik dan benar. Kita juga harus memperbanyak vocabulary alias kosakata yang kita miliki. Penggabungan grammar dan vocab yang baik akan memberikan kalimat yang keren dan dapat dimengerti.

Memang segala sesuatu butuh proses, tapi jika tidak memulai kita tak akan pernah tahu sebagaimana kemampuan kita. Betul?

Jika ada pertanyaan yang ingin ditanyakan bisa komen di kolom komentar ya.
Jangan menyerah, belajarlah setiap hari. Apakah teman-teman punya trik khusus agar dapat menguasai Inggris dengan baik dan mudah?
Silahkan dishare di fanpage kita ya : Fanpage FB Ilmu Sekolah Gratis

Learning by Doing

Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TOEFL (Test of English as A Foreign Language) merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk mendapatkan nilai TOEFL yang bagus, kita harus banyak berlatih. Mulai dari menjawab soal-soal bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan Grammar, Tenses, Vocabulary, dll. Tidak lupa pula kita harus selalu berlatih speaking, reading, listening, dll.

Gabungan dari latihan, tekad, serta kerja keras yang baik niscaya akan memberikan hasil yang baik pula. Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan contoh soal TOEFL yang sering diujikan.
Soal-soal Structure and Written Expression

1. The Actor’s Studio, a professional actors’ workshopin New York City, provides.........where actors
can work together without the pressure of commercial production.
(A) a place and
(B) a place
(C) so that a place
(D) a place is

2. By 1872 the United States had 70 engineering
colleges,...........astonishing expansion credited
largely to the Morrill Act of 1862.
(A) because
(B) an
(C) to which
(D) was

3. Roads in the United States remained crude,.......... with graved or wood planks, until the beginning of
the twentieth century.
(A) were unsurefaced or they covered them
(B) which unsureface or covered
(C) unsurfaced or covered them
(D) unsurfaced or covered

4.  In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points..............distances from two fixed
points is constant.
(A) which as the sum of
(B) of the sum which
(C) whose sum of whose
(D) whose sum that the

5. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that
(A) take many words to otherwise would.
(B) would take to many otherwise words
(C) many words to take would otherwise
(D) would otherwise take many words to

6. the site of a fort established by theNorthwest Mounted Police, Calgary is now one of
Canada’s fastest growing cities.
(A) Built
(B) It is built
(C) To build
(D) Having built 

7. One theory of the origin of the universe is...........from the explosion of a tiny, extremely dense fireball
several billion years ago.
(A) because what formed
(B) the formation that
(C) that it formed
(D) when forming

8. The artist Romare Bcarden was........... whose yellows, deep blues, and fuchsias contrasted
strongly with photographic gray in his bright collages.
(A) with a gift for color
(B) a gifted colorist
(C) a gift with colorful
(D) gifted with coloring

9. A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole.......... in diameter.
(A) than one inch less
(B) less than one inch
(C) one less inch than
(D) than less one inch

10. ............. adopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867.
(A) Canada
(B) When Canada
(C) Canada, which
(D) There was Canada

Untuk mendapatkan file selengkapnya dapat diunduh pada link berikut :
Download TOEFL dan Kunci Jawaban

Bagaimana? Apakah soal-soalnya terlalu sulit untuk dikerjakan?

Untuk mendapatkan Contoh Soal Listening TOEFL bisa langsung ke link di bawah ini :
Download Soal Listening TOEFL 

Untuk memutar file nya bisa menggunakan software Real Player :
Download Real Player

Good Job Fellas.

Cara menulis surat dalam bahasa Inggris

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Menulis surat dalam bahasa Indonesia mungkin jauh lebih mudah bagi kita dibandingkan menulis surat dalam format bahasa Inggris. Benarkah? hehehe. Apalagi surat yang kita tulis adalah surat resmi. Tentunya kita harus menggunakan kaidah dan format yang tepat agar dapat menyampaikan maksud/ tujuan surat dengan baik tanpa mengabaikan unsur-unsur formal di dalamnya.

Baiklah untuk pertama-tama kita lihat dulu bagaimana cara menulis surat resmi alias formal dalam bahasa Inggris.
1. Alamat / Address
a) Alamat Anda   
Alamat pengirim harus ditulis di sudut kanan atas surat.

b) Alamat orang yang Anda kirimi   
Alamat dalam harus ditulis di sebelah kiri, mulai di bawah alamat Anda.

2. Tanggal/ Date
Orang yang berbeda menempatkan tanggal pada sisi yang berbeda halaman. Anda dapat menulis ini di sebelah kanan atau kiri pada baris setelah alamat Anda menulis untuk. Menulis bulan sebagai sebuah kata.

3. Salam/ Greeting
1) Dear Sir atau Madam, Jika Anda tidak tahu nama orang yang Anda menulis untuk, menggunakan ini. Itu selalu dianjurkan untuk mencoba untuk mencari tahu nama.

2) Dear Mr Jenkins, Jika Anda tahu nama, gunakan judul (Mr, Mrs, Miss atau Ms, Dr, dll) dan nama keluarga saja. Jika Anda menulis untuk seorang wanita dan tidak tahu apakah dia menggunakan Nyonya atau Nona, Anda dapat menggunakan Ms, yang bagi wanita yang sudah menikah dan tunggal.

4. Cara Mengakhiri Surat (Ending)
1) Yours faithfully 
Jika Anda tidak tahu nama orang tersebut, mengakhiri surat dengan cara ini.

2) Yours sincerely 
Jika Anda tahu nama orang tersebut, mengakhiri surat dengan cara ini.

3) Your signature
Menandatangani nama Anda, kemudian mencetaknya di bawah tanda tangan. Jika Anda berpikir orang yang Anda menulis untuk mungkin tidak tahu apakah Anda laki-laki dari perempuan, menempatkan Anda judul dalam tanda kurung setelah nama Anda.

Lalu, apa sajakah isi surat formal yang harus kita tulis :
1. Paragraf Pertama 
Paragraf pertama harus pendek dan negara tujuan dari surat-untuk membuat penyelidikan, mengeluh, permintaan sesuatu, dll

2. Paragraf  Tengah
Surat harus berisi informasi yang relevan di balik penulisan surat. Sebagian besar surat-surat dalam bahasa Inggris yang tidak terlalu panjang, sehingga menjaga informasi yang sampai ke inti dan berkonsentrasi pada mengorganisir itu secara jelas dan logis daripada memperluas terlalu banyak.

3. Paragraf Terakhir Paragraf terakhir dari surat resmi harus menyatakan tindakan apa yang Anda harapkan penerima untuk mengambil-untuk mengembalikan, mengirimkan informasi, dll.

Untuk Format/Layout Surat Resmi dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini :

Yap dari hasil penjelasan di atas, dapat kita tarik beberapa kesimpulan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menulis surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris :
1. Selalu menggunakan kalimat pengantar dan salam penutup yang baku.
Untuk kalimat pengantar cukup gunakan: Dear Mr... atau Dear Ms....

2. Kalau anda tidak mengetahui siapa yang akan menerima surat agan tersebut,misal mengirim ke alamat email umum suatu instansi bisa gunakan Madam, Dear Sir, Untuk salam penutup biasanya memakai
Sincerely Yours,akan tetapi kalau surat menyuratnya sudah berlangsung berulang kali dengan orang yang sama,kita bisa menggunakan Best regards.

3.Jangan lupa untuk berterima kasih.
Kalimat yang biasa dipakai : I am looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you very much. kalimat ini memberitahukan kepada sang penerima surat kalau kita menunggu jawabannya atas permintaan kita disurat,dan kita mengucapkan banyak terima kasih sebelumnya. Untuk mengucapkan terima kasih secara umum kita juga bisa menggunakan: Thank you for your kind help

4. Memohonlah dengan sopan
Caranya gampang sekali,cukup dengan menggunakan kalimat berpola: I would be very grateful if you could....(Tinggal anda isi aja titik-titiknya dengan permohonan yang ingin diajukan. Atau contoh lain: If you could....,it would be most appreciated.(isi titik-titiknya dengan permintaan).

5. Jangan pernah menggunakan singkatan (alayy ),simbol pengganti kata,atau kata yang bernuansa non-formal.
Intinya tulislah it is,jangan it's.jangan nulis ala alay ya misalnya pake angka 4 buat kata 'for' atau U buat "you"

Semoga Bermanfaat Sobat. ;)

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tak terasa kamu sudah menginjak bangku terakhir dari Sekolah Menengah Atas, untuk itu berikanlah kenangan manis di bangku SMA ini dengan belajar dengan tekun. Apalagi yang namanya bahasa inggris. Semakin dilatih maka kamu akan semakin terbiasa, seperti peribahasa "Allah bisa karena biasa".

Mau dapat contoh soal-soal bahasa inggris untuk anak kelas 3 alias XII SMA?
Soal dibawah ini terdiri dari 50 soal.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soalnya :

1. Nadia : Hey, Adi. Do you have any plans for tomorrow.
Adi : No. ……… Why?
a. I’m planning on mountain climbing.
b. Nothing’s come up yet.
c. I’m thinking of going to Mount Salak
d. Maybe you can go camping
e. I am going to fishing

 Ari : Hi, Ari Do you know about the weather for tomorrow?
Adi : …………it’s going to be hot and sunny.
a. I predict
b. The plan is
c. I’m planning
d. What I’m saying is
e. I am watching is

This text is for questions 3 to 4   
To All International English College Students         

All students can borrow up to 6 books at a time. Books may be kept for a maximum of fourteen days. A fine of Rp. 5.000.00 a day will be charged for overdue books. Magazines and newspapers may not be brought home. The use of a card belonging to another person is not permitted. 

3. How long can students borrow books?
a.One week
b.One month
c.Two months
d.Three weeks
e.Two weeks

4. What will happen if the students are late to return the books ?
a.    They should pay the fine
b.    The librarian will be angry
c.    They must make a new card
d.    They will nor be permitted to borrow again
e.    They should replace the books with te new ones

This text is for questions 5 to 8 
Birds have a body ‘designed’ for flight. Their bones are light, with spaces full of air, body tapered. They have powerful muscles to move their wings, and breastbone like a ship’s prow to cut throughthe air! Their wings are specially shaped, and like the tail, have feathers of many shaped and textures, according to their job. Birds’ flight can be gliding or beating.In the gliding ,flight, the bird slides  through the air, wings stretched out, quite still, carriede by current of air. In beating flight, the bird moves its wings like oars, using its tail like a rudder to change to changes direction.    

Most birds take off almost vertically from land or water, body straight and wings beating quikly. Once in the air, it leans its body forward and the wings beat more slowly. For landing, the movements are reversed-straightening its body and beating its wings quickly before landing. 

5.    What is the text talk about ? It talks about …
a.    how  birds take off
b.    how birds run
c.    how birds fly
d.    how birds walk
e.    how birds landing

6.    The birds’ bones are …
a.    solid and strong
b.    light and brittle
c.    light and spherical
d.    light, with spaces full of air, body tapered
e.    solid, with spaces full of air, body tapered

7.    “Their wings are specially shaped, and like the tail, have feathers of many shapes and …(par. 2 ) The word ‘shapes means …
a.    Forms
b.    Ships
c.    Parts
d.    Appearance
e.    Characteristics

8.    In ‘beating ‘ flight a bird uses its tail to…
a. change direction
b  slide through the air
c  make the body straight
d. straighten its body before landing
e. make its body carried by currents of air

Untuk mendownload versi lengkap nya silahkan klik link di bawah ini :
Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas XII

Keep Calm and Learn English  ;)

Perbedaan penggunaan Number dan Amount

Saturday, May 25, 2013


“Number” digunakan dengan Countable Nouns (Kata benda yang dapat dihitung). Artinya “sejumlah“.
  • Having a test, we have a number of questions.
    (Karena karena sedang ujian, kami mengerjakan sejumlah pertanyaan).
  • The students are planting a number of trees in the back of school.
    (Para murid sedang menanam sejumlah pohon di belakang sekolah)


“Amount” digunakan dengan Uncountable Nouns (Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung). Artinya “sejumlah.
  • I can lend you a large amount of money.
    (Saya bisa meminjamkan kamu banyak uang)
  • The soldiers have a small amount of ammunition.
    (Tentara-tentara itu amunisinya tinggal sedikit)

Contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas X

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Halo kembali lagi di Ilmu Sekolah Gratis. Gudangnya ilmu pengetahuan di internet. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas soal-soal bahasa Inggris untuk kelas X SMA.
Coba deh dilihat soal di bawah ini, apakah kamu mampu menjawabnya :
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal yang akan kita bahas :

Text 1
            Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud, screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been an accident. A small boy was lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had already run away.    
            Umar was confused and frightened. “is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the boy was still breathing. Umar could see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms.    
            Umar did not know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally decided to stay with the boy until somebody came by.    
            Time passed very slowly – so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and Umar prayed for the boy to regain consciousness.    
            Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an approaching car. He waved frantically at the driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,”You will help this boy, won,t you, Sir?” The driver was kind. He carried the injuried boy to the car. Umar went with them to the hospital. Later, the driver took Umar to the police station to report the accident.    
            Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that day at school. All his friends though Umar was a very brave boy.”it was an unforgettable incident, wasn,t it?” They asked him.    
            “Yes, it was, “Umar replied.”it was a terrifying experience, thought!” 

1.What is the genre of the text?    
a. Descriptive               
b. Recount   
c. Narrative            
d. Procedure
e. News item     

2.The purpose of the text is to ….
a. tell a past event            d. report a phenomena
b. entertain readers          e. describe Umar,s activity
c. discuss something

3. Umar and the helpful driver went to the police station after they ….
a. stopped the approaching car
b. reported the accident they saw
c. brought the boy to the nearest house
d. had seen the injured boy on the road
e. had carried the injured boy to the hospital 

4. “Time passed very slowly” ….( paragraph 4 )        This part of the text is called ….    
a. Description          c. Event                 
b. Reorientation        d. Resolution               e. Orientation 

5. What do Umar,s friends think about him ….    
a. he is an honest boy           
b. he is a coward boy           
c. he is a very brave boy 
d. he is a kind boy   
e. he is an easy going boy

6.The old woman was feel …. after she had heard that her beloved son was seriousely injured in a terrible accident.    
a. delighted   
b. regreet           
c. sorrow                     
d. unconscious 
e. sadness   

7.    The room is to narrow, we need a ….  of air in here.    
a. parfum      
b. breath         
c. light                         
d. realease
e. pipe   

8. David : “Hi….how do you do?”
Martin : “………”
a. How do you do
b. Nice to meet you
c. I’m fine, and you?
d. not bad
e. a and b are correct

9.The boy : “……, madam.Would you mind if I sit beside you?”
The old lady : “ By all means.”
a. Hi
b. Excuse me
c. Hello
d. How do you do
e. Nice to meet you

10 .April : “ my brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of prominent university in America.”
Ivone : “ ……………..
a. I’m glad to hear that
b. I’m sorry to know that
c. it’s commond.
d. I’m not surprise
e. I’m not satisfied

Pete : “How about having dinner with me tonight?
Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. kate declines the the invitation
b. pete want to hve dinner
c. kate love pete
d. pete invites kate to have dinner together
e. pete make a date with kate

12 .Cavin : “You know Rita’s father is hospitalized for his serious illness.
Barbara : “…………….”
a. She must be very sad
b. She must be very happy
c. Excuse me
d. It’s borring
e. it’s good idea

12 soal di atas adalah beberapa contoh soal UTS atau UAS bagi pelajar SMA kelas X.
Download lengkap ke 50 soalnya disini.
Download Disini

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas XI

Friday, May 10, 2013

Yang duduk di kelas 2 SMA dan suka materi bahasa Inggris harus membaca artikel di bawah ini. Terdapat banyak contoh soal UAS bahasa Inggris.
Silahkan lihat cuplikan soalnya :

Fill in the missing words to the following passage
On the morning of hari raya, the muslims (1) ….. mosque services in their new clothes. After that, they will (2) ….. for forgiveness from their elders. This is on important custom of the muslims. Visiting relatives and friends is another customary practice. They may also (3) ….. their frends of other races to their homes where many delicacies are (4) ….. on this special occasion. 
1.    a.    come     b.    reach     c.    attend     d.    find     e.    arrive 

2.    a.    say     b.    ask     c.    tell     d.    talk     e.    said 

3.    a.    invite     b.    invites     c.    inviting     d.    invited     e.    to invite 

4.    a.    serve     b.    serves     c.    serving     d.    served     e.    to serve    

5. Kevin : the farmer wants to transmigrate to another island in order to survive.
Novitya: which farmer ?
Kevin : the farmer …….. family consists of a wife and four children.
a. who
b. whom
c. that
d. whose
e. which

6. Fiera : can you turn on this electric store, Yuni ?
Panji : “ I‘m sorry I don’t know …..
a. the way operating it
b. how to operate it
c. what is operated
d. it is operate
e. operating it

7. Farah : you look very busy with your work.
Reidy : sure. If you don’t mind.
How kind you are.
a. are you tired ?
b. can I help you ?
c. do you like to help me ?
d. can you do me a favour ?
e. would you like to help me ?
8. A : you seem to busy.
May I give you a hand ?
B : oh, no thank you. I can do it my self.
The underlined sentence expresses …..
a. offering help
b. asking for help
c. expecting help
d. anticipating help
e. waiting for help

9. Clief : John lost his money on his way to school this morning.
Frisda : oh, poor John.
The underlined sentence expresses …..
a. regret
b. opinion
c. sympathy
d. obligation
e. expectation

Text 1
Princess and the Bowling Ball    
            Once upon a time there was a princes. And this prince’s dad and mom (the king and queen) some how got it into their royal heads that no princess would be good enough for their boy unless she could feel a pea though one hundred mattresses.
             So it should come as no surprise that the prince had a very hard time finding a princess. Every time he met a nice girl, his mom and dad would pile one hundred mattresses on top of a pea. And then invite her to sleep over. When the princess came down for breakfast, the queen would ask, “How did you sleep?”   
             The princess would politely say, “Fine, thank you”. And the king would saw her the door. Now, this is when for three years. And of course nobody ever felt the pea under one hundred mattresses. Then one day the prince met the girl of his dreams. He decided he’d better do something about it. That night, before the princess went to bed, the prince slipped his bowling ball under one hundred mattresses.
When the princess came down for breakfast the next morning, the queen asked, “How did you sleep, dear?” “This might sound odd,” said the princes. ”But I think you need another mattress. I felt like I was sleeping on a lump as big as bowling ball.” The King and Queen were satisfied, and the prince and princess were married. And everyone lived happily, though maybe not completely honestly, ever after.    

10.    What problem do you find in this story …..    
a.    the prince and the bowling ball    
b.    the prince had a very hard time finding a princess    
c.    no body ever felt the pea under one hundred mattresses    
d.    the prince decided he’d better do something about it    
e.    the princess felt like she was sleeping on a lump as big as a bowling ball 

11.    What is the function of the text …..    
a.    to inform about the princess and the bowling ball    
b.    to describe the story of a prince’s dad and mom    
c.    to  retell the events of finding a princess    
d.    to give information how to find a princes    
e.    to entertain the reader 

12.    Why did the prince slip a bowling ball under a hundred mattresses …..    
a.    the princess who slept on it felt like she was sleeping on a lump    
b.    no body ever felt the pea under one hundred mattress    
c.    the princess would he good enough for him    
d.    his dad and mom would be satisfied    
e.    the girl of his dreams one day 

13.    What is the dominant structure used in the text …..    
a.    past perfect               
b.    present perfect     
c.    simple present     
d.   simple past    
e.   present continuous 

14.    The generic structure of the text is …..    
a.    orientation–events–resolution
b.    orientation–events–turst 
c.    orientation–events–reorientation
d.   orientation–reorientation-complication    
e.   orientation-resolution-reorientation    

15.    What is the type of the text …..    
a.    narrative      b.    news item      c.    procedure     d.   fable     e.   recount

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Present Perfect Tense

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sekarang saatnya kita mempelajari Present Perfect Tense. Apakah itu Present Perfect Tense? Kapankah kita menggunakan Present Perfect Tense?
Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. 
1.      Rumus Present perfect tense.

Secara umum rumus present perfect tense dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu:

She has read the novel
S + Have/Has + Not + V3 + O/Adv
She has not read the novel
Have/Has  + S + V3 + O/Adv ?
Has she read the novel?

Penting Diingat :

a.       Jika subjeknya adalah I, you, they, we, maka menggunakan “Have”

b.      Jika subjeknya adalah He, she, it, maka menggunakan “Has”

c.       “Has not” bisa disingkat menjadi “Hasn’t”. Sedangkan “have not” bisa disingkat menjadi “Haven’t”.

2.      Kegunaan/fungsi Present perfect tense.

Adapun kegunaan atau fungsi dari present perfect tense andalah sebagai berikut:

a.       Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah selesai pada saat yang tidak diketahui.

He has finished the job
Dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
I heve read this
Saya telah membaca ini

b.      Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan dimasa lampau, teteapi masih dikerjakan  di waktu sekarang.

He has worked there since 2001
Dia telah bekerja disana sejak tahun 2001
I heve read this novel since last month
Saya telah membaca novel ini sejak bulan lalu

c.       Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatau perbuatan di waktu lampau tetapi masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.

He has eaten
Dia telah selesai makan
I have taken a bath
Saya telah selesai mandi

3.      (Adverb of time) atau keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai dalam present perfect tense.

 Berikut kata keterangan (adverb) yang biasa digunakan dalam present perfect tense:

Hinggka kini
Baru saja
Baru baru ini
This month
Bulan ini
As get
Hingga sekarang
So far
Sejauh ini
Pernah (sekali)
Many times
Sering kali

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Friday, May 3, 2013

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Cerpen Bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kali ini kita akan membaca 25 judul cerpen yang dapat melatih Reading Skill kalian. Kak Harri akan memberikan link Download nya di bawah, silahkan disedot.

Smua judul dirangkum ke dalam satu folder :
Kumpulan Cerpen dalam Bahasa Inggris

Selamat Membaca Guys....

16 Tenses dalam bahasa Inggris

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Inilah daftar/ kumpulan tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yang sudah saya rangkum, semoga dapat memberi penjelasan dan pencerahan ketika kapankah kita menggunakan tense yang benar.
Secara umum Tenses diklasifikasikan ke dalam 4 bagian besar yaitu : 
1.Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) 
2.Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)
3.Future Tense (Waktu yang akan datang), dan
4.Past Future Tense (Waktu akan datang di masa lampau)
Agar lebih jelas silahkan dibaca ke 16 tenses berikut dengan seksama

1. Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang)
a. Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana)
Rumus :
+ } S + V1 + O/C
- } S + Do/does + not + V1 + O/C
? } Do/does + S + V1 + O/C
Example :
+ } Sisca Reads book everyday
- } Sisca does not Read book everyday
? } does Sisca Read book everyday
Yes He does / No He does not (doesn’t)
For I, We, You, They = do
He, She, It = Does
Contoh kalimat :
(+) She is a new people here.
(+) He plays football every morning
(-) She isn’t a new people here.
(-) He does not playing football every morning.
(?) Is she a new people here?
(?) How playing football every morning?
b. Present Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sekarang)
Menerangkan suatu perbuatan yabg sedang berlangsungpada waktu sekarang.
Rumus :
+ } S + Be + V1 + ing + O/C            >>           + } They are playing badmintoon now
- } S + Be + not + V1 + ing + O/C >>           – } They are not playing badmintoon now
? } Be + S + V1 + ing + O/C            >>           ? } Are they palaying badmintoon now ?
Yes They are / no they are not
For I = am
They, we, you = are
He, She, It = Is
Contoh dalam kalimat :
(+) He is playing badminton now
(-) He isn’t playing badminton now.
(?) Is he playing badminton now.
c. Present Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb+main verb
Contoh :
(+) you have eaten mine.
(-) she has not been to Rome
(?) have you finished?
d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang)
Rumus :
(+): S + have/has + been + Ving
(-): S + have/has + not + been + Ving
(?): Have/has + S + been + Ving
Contoh :
(+) She has been going to Malang since evening.
(+) We have been riding a horse for three days
(-) She hasn’t been going to Malang since evening.
(-) We haven’t been riding a horse for three days.
(?) Has she been going to Malang ?
(?) Have He been riding a horse for three days ?

2. Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)
a. Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau Sederhana)
Rumus :
+} S+Be+Was/Were+O/C
-} S+Be+Was/Were+not+O/C
?} Be+Was/Were+ S+O/C
Example :
+} We were at school yesterday
-} We were not at school yesterday
?} were we at school yesterday ?
For I, He, She, It = Was
They, we, you = were
Contoh :
(+ ) I saw a good film last night
( +) He came here last month
(-) I did not see  a good film last night
(-) He didn’t come  last month
(?) Did I see a good film last night
(?) Did He come here last month
b. Past Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau)
Rumus :
(+): S + was/were + Ving
(-): S + was/were + NOT + Ving
(?): Was/Were + S + Ving
Contoh :
(+) He was watching television all afternoon last week
(+) They were talking about sport when I met him
(-) He wasn’t watching television all afternoon last week
(-) They weren’t talking about sport when I met him
(?) Was He watching television all afternoon last week
(?) Were they talking about sport when I met him
c. Past Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Lampau)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
(+): S + had + V3
(-): S + had + not + V3
(?): Had + S + V3
Contoh :
(+) When my brother arrived , I had painted my motor cycle
(+) The ship had left before I arrived
(-) When my brother arrived , I hadn’t painted my motor cycle
(-) The ship hadn’t left before I arrived
(?) Had I my motor cycle , when my brother arrived ?
(?) Had the ship left before I arrived?
d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Lampau)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) They had been living there for two month
(+) When they washed my drees , your father had been playing badminton
(-) They hadn’t been living there for two month
(-) When they washed my dress , your father hadn’t been playing badminton
(?) Had they been living there for two month?
(?) When they washed my dress , had your father been playing badminton ?

3. Future Tense (Akan Datang)
a. Simple Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sederhana)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will visit to yogyakarta tomorrow.
(+) he will met girl friend by seven o’clock
(?) Will he go to America next month?
(+) President shall at Nederland the day after tomorrow.
(-) President shall not at Nederland the day after tomorrow.
(?) Shall President at Nederland the day after tomorrow?
b. Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will be writing a comic.
(+) I will be studying tomorrow night.
(-) I will not writing a comic.
(-) I will not be studying tomorrow night.
(?) Will I be writing a comic ?
(?) Will I be studying tomorrow night ?
c. Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Sempurna Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) Iwill havefinishedby 10am.
(+) Youwill haveforgottenme by then.
(-) Shewillnothavegoneto school.
(-) Wewillnothaveleft.
(?) Willyou havearrived?
(?) Willthey havereceivedit?
d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Akan Datang)
Rumus :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+auxiliary verb HAVE+auxiliary verb BE+main verb
Contoh :
(+) I will have been reading a news paper.
(+) He will have been listening music.
(-) I will haven’t been reading a news paper.
(-) He will haven’t listening a music.
(?) Will I have been riding a news paper ?
(?) Will He have listening a music ?

4. Past Future Tense (Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau)
a. Past Future Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Di Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
Positif: S + would + V1
Negatif: S + would + not + V1
Tanya:  Would + S + V1
Contoh :
(+) He would come if you invited him.
(+) They would buy a home the previous day.
(-) He wouldn’t come if invited him.
(-) They wouldn’t buy a home the previous day.
(?) Would He come if invited him ?
(?) Would they buy a home the previous day ?
b. Past Future Continuous Tense (Waktu Akan Sedang Terjadi Diwaktu Lampau)
Rumus :
Positif: S + would + be + Ving
Negatif: S + would + not + be + Ving
Tanya: Would + S + be + Ving
Contoh :
(+) I should be swimming at this time the following day.
(+) I shall be sliping at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
(-) I shouldn’t be swimming at this time the following day.
(-) I shalln’t be sleeping at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
(?) Shall I be swimming at this time the following day ?
(?) Shall I be sleeping at10 o’clock tomorrow ?
c. Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Sudah Selesai Di Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
Positif: S + would + have + V3
Negatif: S + would + not + have + V3
Tanya: Would + S + have + V3
Contoh :
(+) He would have graduated if he had studies hard.
(+) Nonok will have studied moth by the end of this week.
(-) He wouldn’t have gone if he had met his darling
(-) Nonok will have not studied month by the end of this week
(?) Would He have gone if he had met his darling ?
(?) Will Nonok have studied month by the end of this week ?
d. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(Waktu Yang Sudah Sedang Berlangsung Pada Waktu Lampau)
Rumus :
Positif: S + would + have + been + Ving
Negatif: S + would + not + have + been + Ving
Tanya: Would + S + have + been + Ving
Contoh :
Rianawati would have been speaking English for two years
(+) Mrs. Anisa Munif would have been walking here for seventeen years
(+) Rianawati would have been speaking English for two years
(-) Mrs. Anisa Munif wouldn’t have been walking here for seventeen year
(-) Rianawati wouldn’t have been speaking English for two years
(?) Would Mrs. Anisa Munif have been walking here for seventeen years?
(?) Would Rianawati have been speaking English for two years?

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