
Showing posts with label Bahasa Inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahasa Inggris. Show all posts

Narrative: Mouse Deer and Tiger

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Narrative: Mouse Deer and Tiger. Sebuah Folklore from Central Java yaitu berjudul Mouse Deer and Tiger. Silahkan disimak dan dipelajari sebagai contoh narrative.

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Mouse Deer and Tiger 
LONG Time ago in a jungle of Java, tiger was wandering around for food. He hadn't been eating for days. He was really hungry! While he was approaching a small lake, he saw Mouse Deer drinking. The tiger want to eat him.

Tiger smiled, "Hmmm yummy, finally I get my lunch!"

Tiger slowly ducked, crawled, and held his breath. And then..."Gotcha!" said Tiger. He caught Mouse Deer and bit his leg. Mouse Deer was trembling. He was really shocked. But he tried to be calm. He was thinking of a plan to escape from Tiger. He looked around and suddenly he had an idea!

He said, "Hey Tiger, I know you are hungry and want to eat me. But the king will angry if he knows you eat me now."
"Why? The king knows that I eat meat. I eat animals like you! Said Tiger.

Mouse Deer explained, "I guard king's cake. It's very delicious. Only the king and his family eat it. "Mouse Deer pointed at one big, black lump near the lake. It did not look delicious at all. But Tiger was curious.

"Don't be fooled by its appearance. Its taste is very delicious. That's why it meant for kings. And you won't get hungry for a month after you eat it. I tasted it once, "said Mouse Deer.

Tiger's mouth watered. "Can I taste it?"

"Of course you can not The king will punish me like he did when I tasted it last time. He would kill me if something happened to the cake again!"'s all up to you. I eat you or I eat the cake.
The choice is yours."

"Well, then. You don't give me much choice, Tiger. You can have the cake. But first, let me run away as far as I can. By the way, the king won't be able to get me."

"All right...Now, go!" He was really hungry. He could not wait any longer to eat king's cake.

Mouse Deer took a save distance away from Tiger. But he still could watch him, as Tiger eagerly took the peace of the 'cake'.
Phooey, it's no cake! It''s buffalo's dung! I'll get you, Mouse Deer! You! Watch it!"

But Mouse Deer was already far away. He laughed aloud. Mouse Deer was safe for now. But Next Time, he might meet face to face with Tiger again.

Kumpulan Teks Cerita Naratif Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kumpulan Teks Cerita Naratif Bahasa Inggris Lengkap. Cerita-cerita dibawah ini merupakan cerita asli dari Indonesia yang hampir semua masyarakat tahu. Dari cerita-cerita legenda yang berasal dari berbagai daerah kemudian dikemas dalam bentuk cerita naratif yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan belajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Semoga dapat membantu menambah pengetahuan rekan semua.

Teks Cerita Naratif Nyi Roro Kidul

Pajajaran kingdom lied in West Java from 1333 AD to 1630 AD and it was conquered by the Islamic kingdom of Mataram from Central Java. Pajajaran's greatest ruler was Prabu (King) Siliwangi. He had a bride in his harems and a very beautiful daughter was born between he and the bride. The girl was called

Dewi Kadita and the beauties of Dewi Kadita and her mother made other harems jealous, and they had a conspiracy against them. Baca selengkapnya disini.

Lihat Semua

Wanebaka, Son of Tunde

Cerita yang satu ini adalah sebuah cerita dari daerah yang sarat akan makna. Kisahnya menceritakan seseorang yang telah lama menikah tetapi tidak kunjung memiliki keturunan sampai akhirnya dia diberi keturunan yang tidak sewajarnya. Bagaimana kisah sebenarnya dalam cerita ini, simak ceritanya dalam bahasa Inggris berikut.

In Bali, there was a man called Tunde. He had been married for 10 years but had no child. So he was happy when his wife got pregnant. But after a few months, his wife's belly returned to its normal size. It happened many times and he asked a shaman for a help but the shaman could not do anything about it.

Lihat juga

Masih banyak cerita narrative lain yang dapat kita baca dan dalami sebagai bahan pengkajian pesan moral dan juga bahan tugas di sekolah. Tidak menutup kemungkinan cerita-cerita tersebut akan terus kita tambahkan agar lebih banyak dan lengkap lagi.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung dan pastikan sobat mencatat alamat blog ini agar lebih mudah dalam mencari berbagai referensi belajar lain yang dibutuhkan. 

Kumpulan Contoh Spoof Terlengkap

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kumpulan Contoh Spoof Terlengkap. Rekan yang membutuhkan contoh spoof text, berikut ini akan kita bahas Kumpulan Contoh Spoof Terlengkap hanya buat rekan pelajar yang sedang belajar materi spoof. Kumpulan contoh ini sengaja disusun untuk tugas spoof text yang biasa diberikan untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Silahkan lihat kumpulan contoh spoof berikut ini:

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Contoh Spoof

Berikut contoh spoof yang bisa rekan pelajar gunakan untuk membuat tugas bahasa Inggris tentang spoof.
  1. Penguin in the Park
  2. Nasreddin’s Coat
  3. Don't Change The World
  4. The Travelers and The Planned Tree
  5. The Farmer and The Stork

Kumpulan Spoof Terbaru

Yang berikut adalah kumpulan terbaru dari materi kita tentang contoh spoof, silahkan rekan pelajari.
Apabila contoh-contoh di atas masih belum cukup sebagai koleksi bahan belajar, rekan pelajar dapat melihat juga beberapa pembahasan lain mengenai spoof yang juga dibahas pada blog ini yaitu sebagai berikut:

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Contoh Teks Descriptive: Rafflesia Arnoldii

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Contoh Teks Descriptive: Rafflesia Arnoldii. Sebuah contoh lain untuk tugas bahasa Inggris tentang decsriptive text (teks diskriptif). Silahkan dipelajari contoh ini.

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Rafflesia Arnoldii
Rafflesia Arnoldii is a rare flower that is well known because of the size of the flower's petals and the smell of rotten meat that it gives out.

This enormous and rare flower grows in the forest of Southeast Asia, including the Phillipines. Its large flower can grow to 3 meters in diameter and weigh up to 11 kilograms. It does not have any leaves, stem, or roots and because of lacking clorophyls this plant can not photosynthesize making it a parasite, living on other plants nutrition. The flower has five petals red in colour and has white spots, which surrounds the middle of the flower much like a hole. At the base of the flower there is a part which has needles and contains the reproduction parts of the flower.

Rafflesia Arnoldii reproduces with the help of flies that are attracted to the flowers smell (which some observers say smells much like bad meat and rotten eggs mixed). The flower only lasts for five to seven days and then dies.

Batu Menangis (Legenda dari Kalimantan)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Batu Menangis (Legenda dari Kalimantan) Dengan Terjemahan. Batu menangis adalah salah satu legenda terkenal yang berasal dari Kalimantan. Legenda Batu Menangis ini menceritakan tentang sebuah kedurhakaan seorang anak kepada orang tuanya.


Bagaimana cerita sebenarnya di legenda Batu Menangis dari Kalimantan ini, berikut cerita selengkapnya.

Batu Menangis (Legenda dari Kalimantan)

Batu Menangis (Legenda dari Kalimantan)
Darmi memandangi wajahnya lewat cermin yang tergantung di dinding kamarnya.
“Ah aku memang jelita,” katanya. “Lebih pantas bagiku untuk tinggal di istana raja daripada di gubuk reot seperti ini.”
Matanya memandang ke sekeliling ruangan.
Hanya selembar kasur yang tidak empuk tempat dia tidur yang mengisi ruangan itu. Tidak ada meja hias yang sangat dia dambakan. Bahkan lemari untuk pakaian pun hanya sebuah peti bekas. Darmi mengeluh dalam hati.
Darmi memang bukan anak orang kaya. Ibunya hanya seorang janda miskin. Untuk menghidupi mereka berdua, ibunya bekerja membanting tulang dari pagi hingga malam. Pekerjaan apapun dia lakukan. Mencari kayu bakar di hutan, menyabit rumput untuk pakan kambing tetangga, mencucikan baju orang lain, apapun dia kerjakan untuk bisa memperoleh upah. Sebaliknya Darmi adalah anak yang manja. Sedikit pun dia tidak iba melihat ibunya bekerja keras sepanjang hari. Bahkan dengan teganya dia memaksa ibunya untuk memberinya uang jika ada sesuatu yang ingin dibelinya.
“Ibu, ayo berikan uang padaku! Besok akan ada pesta di desa sebelah, aku harus pergi dengan memakai baju baru. Bajuku sudah usang semua,” katanya.
“Nak, kemarin kan kau baru beli baju baru. Pakailah yang itu saja. Lagipula uang ibu hanya cukup untuk makan kita dua hari. Nanti kalau kau pakai untuk membeli baju, kita tidak bisa makan nak!” kata ibunya mengiba.
“Alah itu kan urusan ibu buat cari uang lagi. Baju yang kemarin itu kan sudah aku pakai, malu dong pakai baju yang itu-itu lagi. Nanti apa kata orang! Sudahlah ayo berikan uangnya sekarang!” kata Darmi dengan kasar.
Terpaksa sang ibu memberikan uang yang diminta anaknya itu. Dia memang sangat sayang pada anak semata wayangnya itu.
Begitulah, hari demi hari sang ibu semakin tua dan menderita. Sementara Darmi yang dikaruniai wajah yang cantik semakin boros. Kerjaannya hanya menghabiskan uang untuk membeli baju-baju bagus, alat-alat kosmetik yang mahal dan pergi ke pesta-pesta untuk memamerkan kecantikannya.
Suatu hari Darmi meminta ibunya untuk membelikannya bedak di pasar. Tapi ibunya tidak tahu bedak apa yang dimaksud.
“Sebaiknya kau ikut saja ibu ke pasar, jadi kau bisa memilih sendiri,” kata ibunya.
“Ih, aku malu berjalan bersama ibu. Apa kata orang nanti. Darmi yang jelita berjalan dengan seorang nenek yang kumuh,” katanya sambil mencibir.
“Ya sudah kalau kau malu berjalan bersamaku. Ibu akan berjalan di belakangmu,” ujar ibunya dengan sedih.
“Baiklah, ibu janji ya! Selama perjalanan ibu tidak boleh berjalan di sampingku dan tidak boleh berbicara padaku!” katanya.
Ibunya hanya memandang anaknya dengan sedih lalu mengiyakan.
Akhirnya mereka pun berjalan beriringan. Sangat ganjil kelihatannya. Darmi terlihat sangat cantik dengan baju merah mudanya yang terlihat mahal dan dibelakangnya ibunya yang sudah bungkuk memakai baju lusuh yang penuh tambalan. Di tengah jalan Darmi bertemu dengan teman-temannya dari desa tetangga yang menyapanya.
“Hai Darmi, mau pergi kemana kau?” sapa mereka.
“Aku mau ke pasar,” jawab Darmi.
“Oh, siapa nenek yang di belakangmu itu? Ibumu?” tanya mereka.
“Oh bukan! Bukan!. Mana mungkin ibuku sejelek itu. Dia itu cuma pembantuku,” sahut Darmi cepat-cepat.
Betapa hancur hati ibunya mendengar anak kesayangannya tidak mau mengakuinya sebagai ibunya sendiri. Namun ditahannya rasa dukanya di dalam hati.
Kejadian itu berulang terus menerus sepanjang perjalanan mereka. Semakin lama hati si ibu semakin hancur. Akhirnya dia tidak tahan lagi menahan kesedihannya. Sambil bercucuran air mata dia menegur anaknya.
“Wahai anakku sebegitu malunyakah kau mengakui aku sebagai ibumu? Aku yang melahirkanmu ke dunia ini. Apakah ini balasanmu pada ibumu yang menyayangimu?”
Darmi menoleh dan berkata, “Hah aku tidak minta dilahirkan oleh ibu yang miskin sepertimu. Aku tidak pantas menjadi anak ibu. Lihatlah wajah ibu! Jelek, keriput dan lusuh! Ibu lebih pantas jadi pembantuku daripada jadi ibuku!”
Usai mengucapkan kata-kata kasar tersebut Darmi dengan angkuh kembali meneruskan langkahnya.
Ibunya Darmi sambil bercucuran air mata mengadukan dukanya kepada Tuhan. Wajahnya menengadah ke langit dan dari mulutnya keluarlah kutukan, “Oh Tuhanku! Hamba tidak sanggup lagi menahan rasa sedih di hatiku. Tolong hukumlah anak hamba yang durhaka. Berilah dia hukuman yang setimpal!”
Tiba-tiba langit berubah mendung dan kilat menyambar-nyambar diiringi guntur yang menggelegar. Darmi ketakutan dan hendak berlari ke arah ibunya. Namun dia merasa kakinya begitu berat. Ketika dia memandang ke bawah dilihatnya kakinya telah menjadi batu, lalu kini betisnya, pahanya dan terus naik ke atas. Darmi ketakutan, dia berteriak meminta pertolongan pada ibunya. Tapi ibunya hanya memandangnya dengan berderai air mata.
“Ibu, tolong Darmi bu! Maafkan Darmi. Aku menyesal telah melukai hati ibu. Maafkan aku bu! Tolong aku…” teriaknya. Ibu Darmi tidak tega melihat anaknya menjadi batu, tapi tidak ada yang bisa dilakukannya. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Kutukan yang terucap tidak bisa ditarik kembali. Akhirnya dia hanya bisa memeluk anaknya yang masih memohon ampun dan menangis hingga akhirnya suaranya hilang dan seluruh tubuhnya menjadi batu.

Crying Stone (Legend of Borneo)
Darmi looked at his face through the mirror that hung on the wall of his room.
"Ah I was beautiful," he said. "More appropriate for me to stay in the royal palace rather than at the decrepit shack like this."
Her eyes looked around the room.
 Only a mattress is not soft where he slept that fills the room. No dressing table which he craved. Even the locker room was just an old crate. Darmi groan inwardly.
Darmi was not a rich kid. His mother was only a poor widow. To support them both, her mother worked hard from morning till night. Whatever work he is doing. Looking for firewood in the forest, mowing the grass to feed goats neighbors, other people washing clothes, whatever he did to earn the wages. Instead Darmi is a spoiled child. Slightest pity he did not see his mother worked hard all day. Even with how could he forced his mother to give him money if there is something I want to buy.
"Mom, let's give the money to me! Tomorrow there will be a party in the next village, I have to go by wearing new clothes. 've Worn all my clothes, "he said.

"Son, you just bought yesterday my new clothes. Wear that's it. Moreover, the mother just enough money to feed us two days. Later if you use to buy clothes, we can not eat boy! "Said his mother pleaded.
"Alah's mother's affairs are looking for more money. Yesterday's clothes I already wear, dong embarrassed to wear it-that again. Later what they say! Anyway let's give the money right now! "Said Darmi harshly.
Forced to give the mother requested her son's money. He was very fond of the child's only child.
And so, day after day the mother is getting older and suffering. While Darmi endowed a pretty face increasingly wasteful. Job just to spend money to buy nice clothes, the tools are expensive cosmetics and go to parties to show off her beauty.
Darmi one day asked his mother to buy him powder on the market. But her mother did not know what the powder in question.
"You'd better come alone mother to the market, so you can choose for themselves," said his mother.
"Jeez, I'm embarrassed to walk with my mother. What people might say. Darmi a lovely walk with a grandmother who slums, "he said with a sneer.
"Well if you're embarrassed to walk with me. Mom would walk behind you, "said her mother sadly.
"Well, mother promise ya! During the journey the mother should not walk beside me and should not be talking to me! "He said.
Her mother just looked at her sadly and said yes.
Finally they walked hand in hand. Very odd as it seems. Darmi looks very pretty with her ​​pink shirt that looks expensive and mother who was bent behind him wearing full dress worn patches. In the middle of the road Darmi met his friends from neighboring villages who greeted him.
"Darmi Hi, want to go where you been?" said they.
"I'm going to the market," said Darmi.
"Oh, grandmother who is behind it? Your mother? "They asked.
"Oh no! Not!. How could my mother that bad. He was just a servant, "said Darmi quickly.
What a heartbroken mother heard her beloved child did not want to admit it as his own mother. But the arrest of grief in my heart.
The incident was repeated continuously throughout their journey. The longer the heart of the mother getting smashed. Finally he could not stand anymore to hold his grief. While in tears he admonished his son.
"O my son so malunyakah you recognize me as a mother? I had you into this world. Is this you repay your mother who loves you? "
Darmi turned and said, "Huh I did not ask to be born by mothers who are poor like you. I do not deserve to be the child's mother. Look at mother's face! Ugly, wrinkled and worn! Mother more than worthy to be maid be my mother! "
After saying these harsh words Darmi proudly resumed his stride.
Darmi her mother in tears as she complained her grief to the Lord. His face looked up into the sky and curse out of his mouth, "Oh my God! Servants could no longer contain his sadness in my heart. Please punish the rebellious slave children. Give him an appropriate punishment! "
Suddenly the sky turned cloudy and accompaniment of lightning darting thunder boomed. Darmi frightened and started running toward his mother. But he felt his legs were so heavy. When he looked down he saw his legs had turned to stone, and now his calf, thigh and continued to rise to the top. Darmi fear, he shouted for help to her mother. But his mother just looked at him with tears laughing.
"Mother, please Darmi bu! Forgive Darmi. I'm sorry to have hurt the mother. I'm sorry bu! Help me ... "he shouted. Darmi mother can not bear to see his son become a stone, but no one could do. Rice has become porridge. Curse that came irrevocable. Finally he could only hug his son who still beg for forgiveness and cried until finally lost his voice and his whole body into stone.

Roro Kidul

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cerita Nyai Roro Kidul Versi Baru: Bagian dari cerita naratif. Kali ini merupakan posting roro kidul yang merupakan cerita narrative untuk tugas bahasa inggris. Disini saya share dua bahasa sekaligus yaitu inggris dan indonesia. Simak roro kidol dalam cerita naratif berikut.

Cerita Ini

Nyi Roro Kidul
Pajajaran kingdom lied in West Java from 1333 AD to 1630 AD and it was conquered by the Islamic kingdom of Mataram from Central Java. 

Pajajaran's greatest ruler was Prabu (King) Siliwangi. He had a bride in his harems and a very beautiful daughter was born between he and the bride. The girl was called Dewi Kadita and the beauties of Dewi Kadita and her mother made other harems jealous, and they had a conspiracy against them.

The harems used some kind of black magic to make the bodies of Dewi Kadita and her mother to be filthy and they turn to be so ugly and disgusting. Prabu Siliwangi got angry against the mother and the daughter and forced them to get out of the palace, as they were thought to be bad luck for the kingdom.

They were wandering around the country and one day the mother died. Dewi Kadita was walking in deep sadness, until she reached the Southern Shore (the shore of Indian Ocean). 
She sat above a rock in a stove shape and when she was sleeping, she had a vision that she must have to jump into the water to help herself out of the curse. When she woke up, with no second thought, Dewi Kadita jumped into the sea. She returned to a beautiful lady as she was but then she realized that she was not a human anymore. She turned into a supernatural form of life. Since then, she ruled all creatures in the southern coast of Java Island, and she was known as Nyi Roro Kidul (Javanese of "Lady of South Sea"). To avenge her father, she became the primary bride for Mataram kings , the rival of Pajajaran kingdom. It's believed for centuries, even until now.

The river of Bengawan Solo, which started from the mystical mountain of Merapi in Central Java and leads to Indian Ocean, is said as the tunnel used by Nyi Roro Kidul to access Java.
And she traps males in green costume who are walking on the shore. They are swallowed by the wave and missing or dead but he will become her guard or (maybe) male.

In psychological analysis, Nyi Roro Kidul can be a parallel of the revenge of a female who was once rejected by a male. Once she regains her power and beauty, she takes any man she wants.

Nyi Roro Kidul (Terjemahan)
Kerajaan Pajajaran terhampar di Jawa Barat dari 1333 AD 1630 AD dan tahlukkan oleh Kerajaan Islam Mataram dari Jawa Tengah.

Penguasa Pajajaran terbesar adalah Prabu Siliwangi. Dia memiliki pengantin di dalam Haremnya dan seorang putri sangat cantik yang terlahir diantara dia dan pengantin wanita. Kecantikan Dewi Kadita dan ibunya membuat harem lainnya iri, dan mereka memiliki konspirasi terhadap mereka.

Para Selir menggunakan beberapa jenis sihir hitam untuk membuat tubuh Dewi Kadita dan ibunya menjadi kotor dan mereka berubah menjadi begitu jelek dan menjijikkan. Prabu Siliwangi marah terhadap ibu dan anak perempuannya dan memaksa mereka untuk keluar dari istana, karena mereka dianggap menjadi nasib buruk bagi kerajaan.

Mereka mengembara di seluruh negeri dan pad suatu hari ibunya meninggal. Dewi Kadita sedang berjalan dalam kesedihan mendalam, sampai ia tiba di Pantai Selatan (pantai Samudera Hindia).

Dia duduk di atas sebuah batu dalam bentuk perapian dan ketika dia tidur, dia memiliki penglihatan bahwa ia harus harus melompat ke air untuk membantu dirinya keluar dari kutukan itu. Ketika ia terbangun, tanpa berpikir dua kali, Dewi Kadita melompat ke laut. Dia kembali menjdai wanita cantik seperti dia sebelumnya tetapi kemudian dia menyadari bahwa dia bukan manusia lagi. Dia berubah menjadi bentuk kehidupan supranatural. Sejak itu, dia memerintah semua makhluk di pantai selatan Pulau Jawa, dan ia dikenal sebagai Nyi Roro Kidul (Jawa "Lady of South Sea"). Untuk membalas dendam ayahnya, ia menjadi pengantin utama untuk raja-raja Mataram, yang saingan kerajaan Pajajaran. Diyakini selama berabad-abad, bahkan sampai sekarang.

Sungai Bengawan Solo, yang berasal dari gunung Merapi mistis di Jawa Tengah dan mengarah ke Samudra Hindia, dikatakan sebagai terowongan yang digunakan oleh Nyi Roro Kidul untuk mengakses Jawa. Dan dia menjerat laki-laki dalam kostum hijau yang berjalan di pantai. Mereka ditelan gelombang dan hilang atau mati, tetapi ia akan menjadi penjaganya atau (mungkin) laki-laki.

Dalam analisis psikologis, Nyi Roro Kidul bisa menjadi paralel dari balas dendam seorang wanita yang pernah ditolak oleh laki-laki. Begitu dia mendapatkan kembali kekuatan dan kecantikannya, ia mengambil setiap laki – laki yang diinginkannya.

Cerita Narrative Lainnya

Cerita Naratif Wanebaka Son Of Tunde

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cerita Naratif Wanebaka Son Of Tunde. Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang sebuah cerita naratif tentang Wanebaka son of tunde. Semoga cerita narrative ini dapat bermanfaat untuk menambah pengetahuan kita. Cerita Naratif Wanebaka: Bagian dari cerita naratifVersi Inggris Indonesia

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Wanebaka Son Of Tunde
In Bali, there was a man called Tunde. He had been married for 10 years but had no child. So he was happy when his wife got pregnant. But after a few months, his wife's belly returned to its normal size. It happened many times and he asked a shaman for a help but the shaman could not do anything about it.

One day, when Tunde's pregnant wife was washing at the river, she felt something falling down from her body to the river, but she ignored it and kept washing. After that, her belly resized to the normal size. At home, she told it to her husband. "Maybe gods don't want us to have a child," Tunde said. 
As usual, they let it pass, and for the next 10 years Tunde's wife didn't get pregnant anymore. 10 years later, women who were washing at the river heard somebody's singing but they didn't look anyone around.

O washing women
Tell my father Tunde
That Wanebaka has grown up
And want to be circumcised soon

The scared women told Tunde what they had experienced. First Tunde ignored it. It occurred again and finally he attended a simple circumcising ritual, with no boy is actually circumcised. 15 years later, the washing women heard somebody's singing again. This time they didn't get afraid.

O washing women
Tell my father Tunde
That Wanebaka has grown up
And want to be married

Tunde then looked for a girl who would be a bride for his un-existing son. He paid for the bride and arranged the marriage. He came to the river and said, "Whoever you are, if you're really my son, come on the day of your wedding." At the wedding ceremony, a guest saw a snake crawling to Tunde's house and everyone ran away in a panic. The snake got so disappointed and disappeared in the bush.

A few years later, the song was heard again at the river and Tunde did the same thing as before but this time he threatened the bride that he would kill her if she ran away. At the ceremony, the snake appeared again and everyone ran away including Tunde and his wife. The bride stood where she was, waiting for her death. The snake's tail touches her toe, and it went to a room. The bride followed the snake. The snake drank a bottle of tuak and got drunk. While it was sleeping, its skin removed from the body. The bride gathered it and burned it outside the house. The ash was buried. When she returned to the room she found a handsome man sleeping in the bed. "Now you won't become a snake anymore, and I'll be your loyal wife," she said.

Wanebaka, Anak Laki-Laki Tunde (Terjemahan)

Di Bali, ada seorang pria bernama Tunde. Dia telah menikah selama 10 tahun, tetapi tidak mempunyai anak. Jadi ia merasa bahagia ketika istrinya hamil. Tetapi setelah beberapa bulan, perut istrinya kembali ke ukuran normal. Itu terjadi berkali-kali dan ia meminta dukun untuk membantu tetapi dukun itu tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa.

Suatu hari, ketika istri Tunde yang sedang hamil mencuci di sungai, ia merasakan sesuatu jatuh dari tubuhnya ke sungai, tapi dia mengabaikannya dan terus mencuci. Setelah itu, perutnya ukurannya ke ukuran normal. Di rumah, dia mengatakan hal itu kepada suaminya. "Mungkin dewa tidak ingin kita punya anak," kata Tunde. Seperti biasa, mereka membiarkan hal itu berlalu, dan selama 10 tahun ke depan istri Tunde tidak hamil lagi. 10 tahun kemudian, perempuan yang sedang mencuci di sungai mendengar nyanyian seseorang, tetapi mereka tidak melihat siapa pun di sekeliling.

O perempuan yang sedang menyuci
Katakan pada ayahku Tunde
Bahwa Wanebaka telah dewasa
Dan ingin segera disunat

Para wanita yang ketakutan menceritakan kepada Tunde apa yang mereka alami. Pertama Tunde mengabaikannya. Hal itu terjadi lagi dan akhirnya ia menghadiri ritual menyunat sederhana, dengan tidak ada anak laki-laki yang benar-benar disunat. 15 tahun kemudian, para perempuan mencuci mendengar nyanyian seseorang lagi. Kali ini mereka tidak merasa takut.

O perempuan yang sedang menyuci
Katakan pada ayahku Tunde
Bahwa Wanebaka telah dewasa
Dan ingin menikah

Tunde kemudian mencari gadis yang akan menjadi pengantin untuk anaknya yang tidak ada. Dia dibayar untuk pengantin dan mengatur perkawinan. Dia datang ke sungai dan berkata, "Siapapun Anda, jika Anda benar-benar anak saya, datang pada hari pernikahan Anda”. Pada upacara pernikahan, tamu melihat ular merayap ke rumah Tunde dan semua orang lari panik. Ular begitu kecewa dan menghilang di hutan.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, lagu itu terdengar lagi di sungai dan Tunde melakukan hal yang sama seperti sebelumnya tapi kali ini ia mengancam pengantin bahwa ia akan membunuhnya kalau dia melarikan diri. Pada upacara tersebut, ular muncul lagi dan semua orang melarikan diri termasuk Tunde dan istrinya. pengantin wanita itu berdiri di mana dia berada, menunggu kematiannya. Ekor ular itu menyentuh jari kaki, dan pergi ke kamar. Pengantin perempuan mengikuti ular. Ular minum sebotol tuak dan mabuk. Sementara dia sedang tidur, kulitnya dihilangkan dari tubuhnya. Pengantin wanita berkumpul dan membakarnya di luar rumah. Ash dimakamkan. Ketika ia kembali ke kamar, dia menemukan seorang pria tampan tidur di tempat tidur. "Sekarang Anda tidak akan menjadi ular lagi, dan aku akan menjadi istri setia Anda," katanya. 

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Cerita Nyi Roro Kidul
Seni Tari Jawa Tengah

Cara Ampuh Belajar Bahasa Inggris Cepat

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cara Ampuh Belajar Bahasa Inggris Cepat. Pada posting Cara Ampuh Belajar Bahasa Inggris Cepat kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai teknik atau tips ampuh agar kita dapat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cepat. Saya yakin rekan pelajar ingin sekali menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah, makanya silahkan ikuti materi kali ini yang merupakan Bagian dari tips & tricks buat rekan pelajar semua.

Jaman modern seperti ini ko masih ga bisa berbahasa inggris, mau jadi apa coba? Coba kita bayangkan, di jaman sekarang adakah hal yang tidak terlibat dengan bahasa inggris? hampir dipastikan semua terlibat dengan yang satu ini. Nah sekarang, baiknya kita bahas bagaiman tips cerdas belajar bahasa inggris secara cepat dan mumpuni.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Jangan penasaran, jangan bingung, kita bahas satu persatu disini buat rekan yang ingin memulai mempelajari bahasa inggris atau ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya. Tak perlu pusing dengan grammer, tak perlu pusing menghafalkan vocab kita belajar semua kunci belajarnya ada disini.

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Contohnya Saja

Kita tentu tahu bahwa prinsip sebuah komunikasi adalah terjadinya hubungan dua arah baik itu dari kita atau lawan bicara kita. Untuk itulah ada beberapa teknik yang bisa kita terapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa kita seperti dibawah ini.

Teknik Pembiasaan

Untuk menghindari beban pada fikiran dan perasaan, sebaiknya kita lebih membiasakan diri dengan bahasa yang sedang kita pelajari dalam hal ini bahasa inggris. Teknik pembiasaan diri ini bisa kita lakukan dengan banyak hal seperti mendengarkan dan menyanyikan lagu berbahasa inggris, menonton film berbahasa inggris dan juga melakukan percakapan langsung dengan orang asing. Semakin sering kita melakukan hal itu, semakin peka indra kita dalam menangkap dan mengucapkan bahasa inggris. Jika kita melakukan hal ini secara berkelanjutan tanpa kita sadari kita akan mengingat kata-kata yang pernah kita temui, dalam hal ini saya menyebut teknik ini sebagai teknik belajar bahasa melalui pengalaman.

Teknik Vocabing

Teknik ini mungkin terdengar asing karena teknik ini hanya istilah untuk mempermudah mengingat saja. Pada teknik ini kita harus menggali atas kata-kata baru yang kita ingat memalui teknik pembiasaan. Kata baru yang kita ingat dari teknik sebelumnya harus kita lihat dalam kaidah kebahasaan baik itu cara penulisannya, artinya maupun cara pengucapannya untuk menghindari kita dari salah interpretasi. Hal ini juga akan memperkuat ingatan kita tentang kata-kata tersebut.


Stage selanjutnya setelah kita menambah perbendaharaan kata dan membiasakan diri dengan bahasa inggris selanjutnya waktunya untuk kita eksplorasi. Berbekal dengan dua teknik diatas sebaiknya kita langsung terjun kelapangan dan mengaplikasikannya langsung dalam percakapan. Lakukan sesegera mungkin dan sesering mungkin dan rasakan bedanya. Pada saat mengaplikasikan kemampuan bahasa dari teknis diatas kita dapat merasakan perbedaannya, kita akan lebih peka dalam menangkap kalimat bahasa inggris dan lebih ringan untuk mengucapkan kalimat berbahasa inggris. Hal ini adalah hasil dari teknik pembiasaan.


Jika kita ingin mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan dari teknik diatas kita harus menerapkannya secara terus menerus. Semakin sering dan semakin lama kemampuan kita akan semakin berkembang. I have proved, it is working.

Be Brave

Tak ada senjata yang lebih hebat dalam belajar bahasa kecuali berani mencoba so let's do it. Ingat, dalam penggunaan suatu bahasa tidak pernah ada istilah salah dan benar. Setiap orang akan mengucapkan bahasa dengan cara yang berbeda, setiap daerah akan mengikuti pola yang berbeda pula jadi sekali lagi tidak ada istilah benar dan salah dalam bahasa yang ada adalah umum dan tidak umum.

Tips dan teknis diatas akan lebih berhasil jika kita secara berbarengan berkonsultasi dengan tata bahasa dan kaidah kebahasaan secara berkala. Itulah tadi pembahasan kita mengenai tips dan trik kali ini, silahkan lihat juga artikel berjudul Download Windows 8 buat rekan yang hobi software.

Contoh Teks Narrative - The Smartest Animal

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Contoh Teks Narrative - The Smartest Animal. Ada banyak sekali contoh teks narrative yang bisa kita temui untuk belajar bahasa inggris, pada artikel sebelumnya sudah pernah dibahas beberapa contoh teks narrative untuk latihan kita. Pada kesempatan ini, kembali akan disajikan satu contoh teks narrative yang berjudul The Smartest Animal untuk menambah referensi belajar. Berikut contoh teks narrative - the smartest animal.

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Contoh Teks Narrative - The Smartest Animal
The Smartest Animal
Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his buffalo.
One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. The tiger wanted to know more about the big animal and the small animal.
After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo; “you are so big and strong. Why do you do everything the man tells you?” The buffalo answered; “oh, the man is very intelligent”.

The tiger asked; “can you tell me how intelligent he is?”. “No, I can’t tell you”, said the buffalo; “but you can ask him”

So the next day the tiger asked to the man; “Can I see your intelligence?”. But the man answered; “it at home”. “Can you go and get it?” asked the tiger. “Yes” said the man; “but I am afraid you will kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?”

After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didn’t go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough and hit the tiger. Then he said; “Now you know about my intelligence even you haven’t seen it.

Generic Structure Analysis
1. Orientation; introducing specific participants; farmer and his buffalo, once in Laos
2. Complication; revealing a series of crisis: the tiger wanted to know more about the farmer and the buffalo, the tiger wanted to know about the farmer’s intelligence.
3. Resolution; the crisis is resolve: the farmer hit the tiger

Language Feature Analysis
o Using saying verb; answered
o Using thinking verb; saw, was surprised to
o Using action verb; tie, hit
o Using time conjunction; once, one day
o Using connectives; after, the next day
o Using past tense; there was a farmer, the man tied the tiger.

Kalau pada contoh sebelumnya disajikan beberapa contoh sekaligus pada kesempatan ini untuk menghemat waktu hanya disajikan satu contoh teks narrative diatas. Tapi, rekan pelajar tak perlu khawatir karena contoh lain bisa rekan lihat juga pada pembahasan sebelumnya tentang Contoh Teks Narrative. Semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua. 


Contoh Text Narrative – Let’ Me Love You

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Contoh Text Narrative – Let’ Me Love You. Ada contoh teks narrative yang menarik dari Yasthika Yuyu yang berjudul Let' Me Love You, mau tahu bagaimana  Contoh Text Narrative – Let’ Me Love You yang dimaksud? Simak aja langsung kisahnya...

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Contoh Text Narrative – Let’ Me Love You
Let’ Me Love You
Once upon a time, there was once a guy who was very much in love with this girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of papercranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small executive in his company, his future doesn’t seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back.She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so let’s go their own ways there and then… heartbroken, the guy agreed.

When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, just to make something out of himself. Finally with all these hard work and with the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company…

“You never fail until you stop trying.” he always told himself. “I must make it in life!” One rainy day, while this guy was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn’t take him long to realize those were his ex-girlfriend’s parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury saloon. He wanted them to know that he wasn’t the same anymore, he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He had made it in life!

Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed them…and he saw his exgirlfriend, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone… and he saw his precious papercranes in a bottle placed beside her tomb. Her parents saw him.He walked over and asked them why this had happened. They explained that she did not leave for France at all. She was stricken ill with cancer. In her heart, she had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want her illness to be his obstacle … therefore she had chosen to leave him.

She had wanted her parents to put his papercranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him. The guy
just wept

Keren ya contohnya, ya sudah untuk contoh lainnya tentang cerita naratif bisa dilihat pada pembahasan lain tentang Teks Narrative. Jangan bosan dan jangan malas belajar, tetap semangat cayooo.....


Contoh Teks Narrative - Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Contoh Teks Narrative - Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks. Ada lagi nih contoh teks narrative yang lain tentang ratu-ratu getooh ceritanya, pokoknya menarik. Ga percaya, simak langsung aja deh ceritanya dibawah ini.

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Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.Copy / Salin

Queen of Arabia and Three Sheiks
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.

The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.

This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.

Keren ya ceritanya, sambil belajar sambil membaca cerita menarik. Biar ga bosen belajarnya bisa sambil lihat-lihat info menarik nih yang pastinya seru dan penting bangget di Liputan Khusus!! atau yang masih mau belajar teks narrative silahkan lanjutkan ke contoh teks narrative lainnya.


Contoh Teks Narrative - I Would Do It for Love

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Contoh Teks Narrative - I Would Do It for Love. Contoh Teks Narrative - I Would Do It for Love sudah tentu berkisah tentang cinta, mau tahu bagaimana ceritanya, baca ceritanya dibawah ini.

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Contoh Teks Narrative - I Would Do It for Love
Once upon a time in a far away land, lived two families called the Darlan family and the Meissner family. The Darlan family had a daughter named Naya, while the Meissner family had a son named Arman. Naya and Arman had been friends since childhood and had lived in the country side for sixteen years of their life.
Unfortunately, one day, the Darlan family was called upon by the king as the family's men were very fine blacksmiths. The Darlan family had to move to the town because of the Kings demand. So Naya and Arman for the first time said goodbye to each other. Secretly, Arman vowed to work hard so that he could also work in town and finally meet Naya again.

Two years later, Arman had mastered some skills he thought he could put in good use in the town. Fulfilling his promise, he traveled to town and started to search for Naya. It was not a hard task, Naya's father had been granted the title of Duke by the King! Hurriedly, he visited Naya's own castle, but to his dismay, Naya did not want to meet him. "Maybe she is busy," he said to himself.

His determination to meet Naya did not waver, Arman found work as a builder in town. Each day, after work he would visit Naya's castle, but each day Naya refused to meet him. A few weeks passed by, Arman became sick, sick because he could not meet the childhood friend he so dearly loved. He had abandoned his work, making his friends he made at the working place concerned.

"Go and meet him once again Arman! Maybe this time you will be in luck!" said one.
"No. Maybe I was putting too much hope for her to love me. After all, we were just childhood friends."
His friends decided to visit Naya's castle themselves, to tell her that Arman his childhood friend, who fell in love with her is in an ill state. To their surprise, Naya agreed to meet them and heared that Arman was sick.
"Tell him to go to the forest and find a wooden house," said Naya.

"And after that? What should he do my Lady?" asked one of Arman's friend.
"He will find the answer once he finds the house," answered Naya mysteriously.
The friends came back to Arman and told him about the happy news. Arman suddenly stood up from his bed and felt refreshed as though nothing has happened before.

The next day Arman journeyed to the forest and found the wooden house Naya had mentioned. An old lady, with hideous boils on her face, crooked body, and white tangled hair that was very filthy greeted Arman.
"Excuse me, is Lady Naya here? She told me to come here," asked Arman.
"No, Lady Naya is not here. But she left a message I must tell you," said the old lady with a croaky voice.
"What is it?"
"She said, if you really love her, you must prove it. And to prove it, you must marry me!"
Because of his love, the love he had felt since childhood for Naya, Arman did not hesitate to answer.
"If that is what she wants, I would do it. I would do it for love!"

Suddenly, the old lady wailed and ran towards a small lake in front of the house. She bathed her face with water and to Arman's surprise, it was Nayna staring back at him. She had cleaned the make up she was wearing and pulled of the wig she also wore to disguise herself as an old lady.
"Arman, I was only testing you. And now I know what I must do. I will share the rest of my life with you. Because, because I would do it for love!"

Arman was very happy that Naya had the same feelings for him. And so, they lived happily ever after.
Moral value: True love is very hard to find, to show it is even harder.


Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - The New Religion

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - The New Religion. Berikut ini akan saya akan share cerpen dalam bahasa inggris dari pengarang terkenal yang berjudul The New Religion. Ingin tahu bagaimana ceritanya? Silahkan baca Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - The New Religion berikut ini.

Salin Cerpen

The New Religion 
Author: Clare Reddaway

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - The New Religion
It all began the day that Martin Jenkins decided to start a new religion. Martin lived at number 42, Richmond Crescent, Bath. He was 53, balding, and his chronic astigmatism meant that the lens in his glasses were really quite thick. He was deputy head of sales at a phone subsidiary in an out-of-town shopping precinct.

"I'll be a director any time now," he boasted to his wife before she ran off with the newsagent to grow strawberries in Kent.

He was an odd choice for a messiah.

He longed to work at the company's main branch in the High Street, for a desk with his name on it and for his team to call him 'Sir'. It was never going to happen. One drizzly Thursday in mid-May he heard that yet again a younger man with lustrous curls and contact lens had been promoted above him.
"That's it," he said.

Martin was not a religious man. He'd fallen out with the local vicar when she'd refused to guarantee his wife's eternal damnation. However, Martin had always had a kind of spiritual 'itch'. This, combined with his frustration and his ardent belief in the adage 'if you want something done well, do it yourself', made what happened next almost inevitable.

One evening he was surfing the net. As he ran a search for some new wellies an advertisement popped up: 'Cut Price Vestments'. He'd never seen an ad for vestments before and he laughed at first. Then he looked thoughtful. Then he started to scribble.

Some weeks later the householders in the Crescent received a flyer through their letterbox. It read:

Living in a religious vacuum?
Searching for moral inspiration?
Angry with the council spend on recycling?
Join Brother Martin this Friday at 8.00 o'clock.
All welcome.

Martin rather regretted putting in the bit about recycling, but the council did annoy him, it really did. It was as if he'd personally caused global warming by letting the bin men take his Daily Mail.
< 2 > 

He'd wondered what to call himself. Saint Martin? Lama Martin? After all, as founder of a breakaway religion he could take the best bits from everyone else. Modestly, he'd opted for Brother. He could always change it later.

He decided to start small. He'd hone his ideas on his core congregation, the local householders. Not all the householders, of course. He'd taken care not to leaflet Lucien Marksbury at no 38. Lucien, who always parked his sports car in what Martin thought of as 'his' parking space. Lucien, whose son Max was so pale, so thin and so frequently clad in black that he must either be on heroin or plotting a Columbine-style school massacre. Lucien, who never bothered to say hello. He was definitely not invited.

That Friday Martin came home from work early. He put the miniature cheese puffs and spicy spring rolls that he'd bought from Waitrose into the oven and set out the glasses on the coffee table in the front room. Then he changed.

He'd ironed his new cassock the night before. He pulled it over his shirt and trousers. Wearing a long white dress gave him an unusual feeling. Lovingly, he lifted the red silk chasuble from its tissue-lined box. He slipped it over his head. It fell to the middle of his thighs, the short sleeves brushing his elbows. It was heavy, rich with gold embroidery. He straightened his backbone and pulled back his shoulders. He looked in the mirror. A stranger was standing there, a stranger with an air of authority and wisdom. But the stranger had no hat. Martin frowned. He should have bought the mitre offered on the website.

There was a ring at the doorbell, dot on 8.00 o'clock. Martin nearly tripped in his haste to get to the door. Realising the problem, he lifted his skirts delicately between his fingers. He opened the door with his other hand. It was Jessie Hicks, no 2, upstairs flat. Her hair was as wild and wispy as ever and her eyes darted to left and right as she said:

< 3 > 

"I've brought my viola. I thought - y'know - a musical accompaniment. Do you mind? I can take it away, but I thought you might...appreciate.... a little light music between the - whatever. I've brought a selection -"

Martin held up his hand.

"Thank you, Jessie." He thought briefly about 'Sister' Jessie. "Music is soothing to the soul. Enter."

Jessie scurried in. Martin wondered about his priestly voice. Could he carry it off? The doorbell rang again. It was Mrs Frobisher from No 15. A woman of a certain age, she was an active member of Neighbourhood Watch, the Residents' Association, the local Conservation Association, the W.I. and, for all Martin knew, every other local and national association that would have her.

"Evening Martin," she said, "Thought I'd better come and make my presence felt. Always best to be in on the ground floor. This the first meeting of your new religion, is it? Are we through here?" She swept past him into the front room where Jessie was on the floor retrieving the music she'd scattered. The bell rang again.

Martin opened the door to Rajiv, who lived at no 28, and Jonathon and Emma, no 27.

"Surprised to see you," he said to Rajiv.
"Anything to get away from the wife," grinned Rajiv, his gold tooth glittering. "Like the dress."
"They're my vestments -" Martin explained, but Rajiv went straight through to where Jessie could be heard tuning up. Jonathon and Emma, a pleasant couple who had recently moved to the Crescent, smiled hesitantly.

"We thought -" said Jonathon.
"We'd like to meet some of the -" said Emma.
"Other people in the street," finished Jonathon.
"Welcome," said Martin, solemnly. "Please. Go on through."

He was about to follow them when there was another ring at the bell.

< 4 > 

"I've touched a chord," thought Martin, "The residents are parched for a new way. I shall quench their thirst."

He opened the door. It was Lucien.

"Rajiv told me about your shindig. This I have to see. Like the getup, dude," he said and he was in.

Grumpily, Martin followed him into the front room where he found everyone chattering happily and Rajiv polishing off the last of the cheese puffs.

Martin held up his hand for silence.

"Perhaps we can close our eyes and bow our heads for an opening prayer," he intoned - and they did. Martin felt a rush. This must be what the Pope feels, he thought, on that balcony over St Peter's Square.

After the prayer, Martin briefly outlined the barebones of his religion. Obligatory services on a Friday, the obvious no murder, thieving, coveting etc, no immoral behaviour, by which Martin meant no adultery (the congregation looked sympathetic), no drugs (Jessie took a worried swig at her wine), no bare midriffs (Rajiv stared at the ceiling - Mrs. Rajiv's tummy rippled gloriously beneath her sari), no inconsiderate non-neighbourly behaviour (Lucien raised his eyebrows) and a refusal to recycle.

To Martin's surprise they all seemed keen, although Lucien said that he wanted to point out, again, that it was unrestricted on-street parking in the Crescent. Then, they started to add their own ideas.

"No music after 10.00 o'clock."
"No vomiting in the street when drunk."
"Compulsory weeding of front gardens."
"How about, instead of fish, mandatory curry on Friday?" This was Rajiv. His brother-in-law owned the nearest takeaway.
"No dog fouling, punishable by - what's it punishable by, Martin?" asked Mrs Frobisher.
"Hellfire," Martin improvised, out of his depth by the religious snowballing. Democracy had not been his plan.

< 5 > 

"Marvellous. Dog fouling punishable by hellfire. Are we minuting this? Shall I do the honours?"

A couple of hours later they'd drawn up a constitution, a motley collection of regulations for the new religion. Martin was sad there hadn't been time for a proper service as he'd written a blistering sermon on the dangers of recycling. However, they agreed to reconvene next week and in the meantime to put together a uniform for their missionary work in the town centre on a Saturday night. Their aim was to restore clean, quiet and pleasant streets to residents, using some minimal violence if necessary. Emma had promised to fashion an emblem for them from the feathers of birds killed by her cat, Pickles. As they drifted away, it was felt that an interesting evening had been had by all.

As the weeks went by, the congregation swelled. Once, there were 15 people in Martin's front room. Martin was pleased, particularly as Lucien never came again. A pattern was established - a service, with sermon, led by Brother Martin, followed by a barbecue on the terrace, weather permitting. Jessie provided music, now accompanied by a banjo (no 9), and a piccolo (no 17).

The first pair to patrol the streets comprised Martin, in mufti but sporting a magpie-feather badge and Jessie, sustained by a couple of double vodkas. The patrol was not a triumph. They found that most revellers left the pubs and bars in an annoyingly orderly fashion. Some hours passed before they found a fracas in a back alley. Jessie's polite tap on the shoulder had no effect on the two lads involved, so Martin stepped between them. The policeman who arrived shortly afterwards on his bicycle had little sympathy for Martin's black eye, muttering about vigilantes making his job harder.

In the light of this, Martin suggested that his congregation withdrew, temporarily, from missionary work.

"Let us retrench, and focus on the community around us," he said at the end of his sermon, which that week tackled the topic of helping thy neighbour by watching him closely.

< 6 > 

"Let's take the plank out of our own eye," agreed Mrs Frobisher. "I'll lead a patrol tomorrow, first thing. Report back next Friday."

Friday brought bad news. Most of the Crescent were co-operative, readily agreeing to weeding, fouling and parking suggestions. However, Martin was not surprised to hear that Lucien had been recalcitrant. He'd even sworn at the missionaries. Martin stiffened his back and straightened his new mitre.

"Will we accept this?" he asked.
"No!" the congregation shouted.
"Bring him to me," Martin said.

Rajiv started to laugh, but was met by silence. Mrs Frobisher stepped forward.

"I'll go," she said. She was joined by Jessie, Jonathon and Alfred from next door, who had initially come round to ask for sponsorship for a school bike ride, but had been seduced by the cheese puffs. Mrs Frobisher led her team into the Crescent. The rest of the congregation waited, gathered around the sausages on the barbecue. Only Rajiv melted away.

Ten minutes later, Lucien was dragged onto the terrace. His hair was dishevelled and his face was red. Martin was thrilled. The mighty Lucien, the sneering Lucien, the devil-may-care Lucien, brought to Martin's terrace by Martin's command to do Martin's bidding! Imagining a flaming sword he raised the nearest thing to hand –

"Don't you wave those bloody barbecue tongs at me, you weirdo!" shrieked Lucien, "And get your monkeys off me!"
"Do you, Lucien Marksbury, agree to abide by the rules of the Richmond Religious Order?" intoned Martin.
"No, of course I bloody don't. What are you going to do, make me?" jeered Lucien. Martin turned. He lifted a red-hot coal from the barbecue and held it in the tongs. His congregation gasped. He took a step towards Lucien.
"Are you sure?" he said.

Lucien took a step back but he was held too tightly to move far.

< 7 > 

"An arm, Brother Martin?" enquired Mrs Frobisher and she started to unbutton Lucien's cuff. As Martin took another step towards Lucien there was a scuffle at the edge of the terrace. A camera flashed. Startled, Martin turned.

"I've called the police," said Max, pointing the camera at Martin. "They'll be here any minute. One more step towards my dad and it's assault with a deadly weapon." The camera flashed again. Martin blinked his way back to his senses.

"Let him go," he said to Mrs Frobisher. She'd already dropped Lucien's arm.
"Don't think you've heard the last of this," said Lucien as he turned and stumbled out of the house.

When the police arrived, there was no incident to quell. Lucien decided not to press charges. The Chronicle, however, published a quarter-page colour photograph of a Bath resident in the dress of a full bishop brandishing a burning hot coal. Love thy neighbour, it guffawed, before warning readers that barbecue coals can be hot. Martin's congregation dwindled after that. Most of the residents felt a little sheepish. Even Mrs Frobisher was seen to apologise to Lucien. Martin was philosophical. Perhaps some of his popularity was due to the entertainment options available in Bath on a Friday night. He joined the local amdram society and is due to play the vicar in their next production.

If he's asked, Martin always says that he's learnt his lesson. But sometimes he thinks back, and he smiles as he remembers that there was just a moment when Lucien Marksbury, popular, successful Lucien Marksbury, had looked at him and been really very scared.

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Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - Death By Scrabble

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - Death By Scrabble ini merupakan salah satu cerpen terbaru karya Charlie Fish. Mau tahu cerita selengkapnya cerpen bahasa inggris ini? Silahkan simak Cerpen Bahasa Inggris - Death By Scrabble berikut.

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Death By Scrabble

Oleh  Charlie Fish 

It's a hot day and I hate my wife.

     We're playing Scrabble. That's how bad it is. I'm 42 years old, it's a blistering hot Sunday afternoon and all I can think of to do with my life is to play Scrabble.

     I should be out, doing exercise, spending money, meeting people. I don't think I've spoken to anyone except my wife since Thursday morning. On Thursday morning I spoke to the milkman.

     My letters are crap.

     I play, appropriately, BEGIN. With the N on the little pink star. Twenty-two points.

     I watch my wife's smug expression as she rearranges her letters. Clack, clack, clack. I hate her. If she wasn't around, I'd be doing something interesting right now. I'd be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. I'd be starring in the latest Hollywood blockbuster. I'd be sailing the Vendee Globe on a 60-foot clipper called the New Horizons - I don't know, but I'd be doing something.

*** Continue **

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